WCHS Seniors Visit Federal Reserve

Members of the senior class of Warren County High School got the opportunity Thursday to see first hand what they have been studying in the classroom. The students, who have been studying the Federal Reserve in Mr. Swann's Economics class, traveled to Atlanta to tour the Federal Reserve Bank.

While at the bank, the students toured the museum and learned about the history of money and banking, viewed and felt the weight of a gold brick, learned about the different denominations of U.S. currency, and got a sneak peek into the five story money vault and money sorting room.

WCHS students in the board room.
The group also got the opportunity to visit the board room and sit at the same table that the Atlanta board of directors gathers around to discuss the monetary conditions of the area.

The Federal Reserve's main mission is to work to maximize employment and stabilize monetary value by regulating banks, controlling interest rates, and processing the transfer of payments for financial institutions around the country.

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